Saturday, February 25, 2017

Alabama 07 Relocation

A routine Mining trip turned up a large stash of diamond, I just need a Pick with Fortune to make the most of this.
But I got killed shortly after, and lost all of my experence.
So I went to the nether to gather some more.  Quarts is a great source of exp.  Careful though, This patch is set in a very dangerous place.  Don't fall!
Also, it is important to leave pointers, directing you to back to the gate.  The Nether is a big and confusing place.
I gathered some lava stone to protect the portal.

And finally gathered enough experence to make my Fortune III Pick ax,
and some highly enchanter armor.
Now, due to the rise in creeper activity, I decided to build a new, bigger base.  The floor comes first, with quarts blocks mined from the nether.  I have tons of them

I also minded tons of nether brick in order to protect my new base from creeper attacks.
See??  This is what they've been doing lately.  I also discovered that creepers explode on contact with lava stone.  Nuts!
Now that the first floor of the base is done, I built a ramp tho the door way, complete with sand soul, to slow down the enemies.

I also installed plenty of boxes and moved all of my supplies into them.
Finally, I manager to find a spawner and blocked it in.  Time for tons of xp!

Alabama 06 Repopulation

Upon my return, I noticed that the melancholy murmurings of the Testificates was gone.  Looks like the zombies had killed my entire village!  Time to get new ones.
There is a magical process that you can use to turn certain zombies into villagers, but you have to isolate them from the sun, and from you.  Here, I built a "detox" zone for them.  I also walled in the village so future zombie attacks don't happen.
Next, I planted a few dark oaks that I got on my journey.
Them, a crazy creeper spawned right behind me and destroyed my home!!!
Luck for me, the blast did not destroy my chest.
It did let the chickens in!  I repaired the damage with nether brick (which can withstand blasts) Now its time to find some zombie villager candidates.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Alabama 05 Heading East

More Diamond!  This patch was hiding next to a huge deposit of coal, red stone and iron.
I started venturing East, and managed to find another pyramid at the edge of the desert. 
Past the edge of the desert, I found a forest

and a field full of sun flowers
I almost ran straight into a canyon. 
On the edge of the field, I found a huge forest of dark oak trees.  There are several large mushrooms between these trees.  I gather plenty of new resources for my home town.

Past this forest, I find a lank and a swamp.  Finally!  I can find some slime!

But first, I gather some clay

There is a slime now!  Lets go get it.

Before going home, I ventured a bit further East, and found a beautiful new forest.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Alabama 04 Getting the brew

Today I decided to focus on brewing.  I need an extra boost because night zombies are still killing me.  Before that, I harvested the wide variety of food that had been growing
And killed a random Enderman that was roaming about
While exploring the Nether fort, I finally found the nether warts.  I also get an additional blaze rod.
Before I leave, I also found some chests

Full of golden treasure.
and I also found some glow stone. 
With the nether wart, blaze powder, Magma cream, and red stone, I make some great fire protection potions (and a few other things too.)
Now, I can face the blazed and kill as many as I like!

Alabama 03 Nether

I started the next day (night rather) by adding another story onto my house with cobblestone and sandstone and glass
Then took an adventure to the north,  (my first adventure was East, and the second was West)
After crossing a small ocean, I found another sandy island
With a fun little lagoon
I set up a little home for the night and waited it out, collecting sand.
Then next day I kept going North and found a pine forest.
I decided to sleep out in the open that night (I found some sheep to make a bed with)
The next day, I found a snow mountain to the north.  I was hoping to find polar bears, but there were none to be had, so I collected snowballs instead.
TO the North of that, there was another ocean.
So I headed back south.  As I passed the sandy island, I found a pointer.  I thought that they may be something under it, but after some digging, I found nothing.
I did happen to fin a pumpkin on my way back
Which I planted in my garden. Soon I will have pumpkin for days.
I finally took my obsidian and built a portal
And traveled to the nether
I found a stronghold, and managed to get a blaze rod.
Which I brought back and turned into a brewing stand
Next, I went questing for more diamond, and managed to collect tons of iron... But lost it all (and my diamond ax and tons of meat) when I fell through this lava hole.  Always be careful when running towards a water covered lava hole.  There may be hidden lava patches just past a stone step... and the flowing water will ensure that all of your inventory gets pushed into the lava after death.
ANother creeper manager to blow up in my face, but this one uncovered a few diamonds.  Thanks Creeper!

I noticed that a number of creepers have been spawning, in the light, in my mine.  One manages to kill me before I can emerge with my new diamonds.  So I dig another horizontal shaft... and manage to find diamond immediately!